English below.
「第1回武庫女ビジネスコンテスト」(教育研究社会連携推進室主催、女性活躍総合研究所共催)の表彰式が11日、公江記念館地下大講義室で開かれ、健康・スポーツ科学科3年の6人による提案「3ヘルシー~肌をキレイに、心も体も綺麗に~」が最優秀賞を受賞しました。このコンテストは起業マインドを持ち、MUKOJO Visionに掲げる「一生を描ききる女性力を。」を体現する学生を育成しようと2021年から2年間、続いた「武庫女ビジネスアイデアコンテスト」を、よりビジネスに特化して刷新したものです。
■最優秀賞■阪神電気鉄道賞(ダブル受賞) 3ヘルシー~肌をキレイに、心も体も綺麗に~
■優秀賞 カシカルプロジェクトでみんなHappyに
■みなと銀行賞 「Let‘go!mu~レツゴム~」~全ての子供たちに小さな気付きを~
■SOAR賞 冷蔵庫の余り物を活用しよう!「あまっちゃったん」
英語グローバル学科1年 伊藤美咲さん
日本語日本文学科3年 仲森咲良さん
心理・社会福祉学科3年 前田ひなたさん
英語文化学科2年 金子瑞希さん
英語文化学科3年 池内千尋さん
日本語日本文学科1年 篠原梓月さん
The 1st Mukogawa Women's University Business Contest was held. Five prizes were awarded, including the Grand Prize.
The 1st Mukojo Business Contest (sponsored by the Institute for Education and Research Local Community Promotion Department and co-sponsored by the Institute for Women’s Career Advancement and Gender Equality Development) was held in the large lecture room in the basement of the Koe Memorial Hall on November 11, and six third-year students of the Health and Sports Science Department won the Grand Prize for their proposal "Healthy 3: Clean Skin, Clean Mind and Body." This contest is designed to nurture students who have an entrepreneurial mindset and embody the MUKOJO Vision of "empowering women to create a life-long vision."
The theme of this year's contest was "Business to Promote SDGs." Starting in July, the students were invited to submit business plans, and a total of 15 students in 4 teams from 4 faculties and 7 departments submitted their ideas.
In addition to the University's faculty, alumni, entrepreneurs, Hanshin Electric Railway Company, and Minato Bank, Ltd. joined the judging panel to determine the Grand Prize, Excellence Award, Hanshin Electric Railway Prize, Minato Bank Prize, and SOAR Prize.
The Grand Prize winner, "Healthy 3: Clean Skin, Clean Mind and Body", planned a business selling smoothies and soups on campus to make students more conscious of "food" for the sake of beauty and health. By purchasing substandard fruits and vegetables from farmers as ingredients, the project will also help eliminate food loss. The students gave a presentation on stage to commemorate the award.
In response to this project, President Seguchi suggested, "We hope you will try this on campus. One of the sponsors the contest, offered to subsidize the 100,000-yen budget.”
Sumire Kudo, a third-year student in the Health and Sports Science Department, commented on the award, "I participated in the contest with my seminar students because I thought it would be a good opportunity to get involved with the university on our own. I am happy that our ambitious plan was recognized. Tomomi Ishino, a third-year student in the same department, commented on the new challenge of the on-campus trial project: "It will be difficult, but I want to work together with everyone and do my very best to get as far as we can."