

English below. 











 “Try Do Week,” a work experience program for junior high school students, was held on the university's main campus from May 20th to 24th, and second-year junior high school students from Nishinomiya City experienced the university workplace in three departments: the main library, the Business Department (on-campus store and cafeteria), and the Community Liaison Center.

 At the library, three students from Kamikoshien Junior High School experienced library work by checking out books to university students at the counter and returning turned-in books to the shelves. They also equipped and repaired books and created notebooks with Japanese paper covers on paper to learn “Japanese binding."

They also worked on a book exhibition project. Students selected books on topics of their choice, such as “books on Japanese musical instruments and Japanese sweets” or “books useful for cooking with unfamiliar ingredients,” and displayed them in an easy-to-see manner. They presented their book selections and reasons for choosing them in front of the library staff. The students' exhibit can be viewed on the first floor of the Central Library until June 14th.

 Two students from Hamakoshien Junior High School gained work experience at the Community Liaison Center. They learned about the work of social partnerships that connect communities, industry, and other sectors of society. Based on practical examples of the university's social contribution and partnership activities, they did work to think about what applies to the 17 goals set forth in the SDGs. They also had a chance to experience work related to disaster prevention activities and raising awareness of disaster prevention in the university's neighboring areas. They collected articles on the Internet about the Noto Peninsula earthquake that occurred in January. The students compiled materials on the subject of “reducing earthquake-related deaths,” and on May 24th the students gave a presentation in front of staff from the Center and teachers from Hama Koshien Junior High School. After the completion of the entire program, the two students were handed certificates of completion of the program by Mr. Otsubo, Director of the Community Liaison Center.

  The Division hosted two students from Naruo Junior High School for two days on May 23rd and 24th. The students experienced working at a book center and a convenience store, where they helped out with merchandise and served customers at the cash register. At the division store, the students worked on creating pop-ups and displaying merchandise.


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