

English below. 
















Eighteen third and fourth-year students taking Field Design Exercise III, a class in the Community Development Course of the Department of Environmental Sciences, are preparing to hold a Rogaining event in the Naruo area on July 7th. Making use of what they have learnt in class, the students will do everything themselves, from planning to fundraising, public relations and management.


 Rogaining is a sport in which participants go around checkpoints set up in a certain area of the city within a time limit and compete to score points. This time, the area was set within 2km of Koshien Stadium and the players were limited to university students. About 100 players were divided into groups and have three hours to go around the points in the area and aim for a high score.


The opening ceremony will take place at 12.30pm on July 7th in the Mukojo Station Campus Lecture Room, with the Rogaining starting at 1pm. Participants are being recruited until July 3rd. Participation is free of charge; information is also uploaded on Instagram and TikTok from time to time to get the word out.


Kisa Yamate, a member on the management team, says: "There are a number of charming shops and places around us that we often fail to notice on a daily basis. I hope that people will visit these places with their friends while looking at the map, and enjoy meeting new people, finding things along with discovering things to do". Haruna Ikegami, a member of the PR and publicity team that created the leaflet, says: "We used colourful puzzles to represent the various encounters and connections. The blue sky and hand-drawn white letters give it a sense of youthfulness".


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