子どもたちが紫外線について楽しく学ぶイベント「色がかわるふしぎなスライムを作ろう!」を薬学部 皮膚生理学研究室の学生たちが開催しました。


English below. 


薬学部 皮膚生理学研究室の学生たちが紫外線について楽しく学ぶイベント「色がかわるふしぎなスライムを作ろう!」を8月6日、ららぽーと甲子園で開催し、64人の子どもたちが参加しました。


このイベントは幼稚園・小学生対象に、MUKOJO ミライ☆ラボとして開催しています。スライムを使って紫外線について楽しく学ぶイベントです。紫外線の皮膚・毛髪への影響を研究している皮膚生理学研究室の仁木洋子准教授が紫外線のメリット・デメリットを伝えながら、遊びを通して子どもたちに理科に興味を持ってもらおうと、毎年夏休みに行っています。








Students from the Skin Physiology Laboratory of the School of Pharmacy and  Pharmaceutical Sciences held an event to learn about ultraviolet rays, "Let's Make Fun Color-Changing Slime!" was held at LaLaport Koshien on August 6th, with 64 children participating.


 This event is held as MUKOJO Mirai ☆ Labo for kindergarten and elementary school students. The event is a chance to learn about ultraviolet rays using slime in a fun way. Associate Professor Yoko Niki of the Dermatophysiology Laboratory, who researches the effects of ultraviolet rays on skin and hair, hosts the event during summer vacation every year to get children interested in science through hands on activities while explaining the advantages and disadvantages of ultraviolet rays.


The students use a storyboard to show that ultraviolet rays contained in sunlight have disadvantages such as damaging the skin and damaging the eyes if exposed to too much, but also have advantages such as strengthening bones. Then, together with the children, they made slime by mixing water glue and borax, and mixed paint, which comes out in color when exposed to UV light. The children were delighted to see the slime turn purple under the UV light.


Risa Matsuda, a fourth-year student in the Department of Health, Life and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Skin Physiology Laboratory, who participated in this event, said, "I am glad that so many came. I’m happy that this event could trigger their interest in the subject."


Associate Professor Niki said, "I want children to cherish a little curiosity that makes them wonder and further strengthen the 'why' within themselves."


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