

English below. 














オープンキャンパスは明日10日も開催され、 今年最後のオープンキャンパスは、9月22日に行われます。




The third open campus for FY2024 was held on August 9th at the Main Campus, Hama-Koshien Campus (School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and School of Environment and Sustainability (opening in April 2025), and Kami-Koshien Campus (School of Architecture), attracting 1926 people (estimated number on a preliminary basis).


 Due to it being the school summer vacation, many high school students, parents, and other visitors came to the event. At the opening ceremony held in the Koe Memorial Auditorium, the baton and cheerleading clubs welcomed the visitors with a beautiful and well-coordinated performances. Following the ceremony, students gave a live talk show and explained the entrance examination system, etc.


After the general briefing, a variety of programs were held, including “Department Programs,” in which each department introduced the contents of their studies, “Campus Tours” led by student staff, and a “Consultation Section,” where students had the opportunity to have one-on-one with their advisors about entrance examinations, scholarships, studying abroad, teaching and employment, etc. They also visited classrooms and laboratories where lectures and research are actually being conducted. The students also toured classrooms and laboratories where lectures and research are actually being conducted.


The Department of Environment and Sustainability, which will open in April 2025, held department information sessions and consultation booths at the Main Campus and Hama-Koshien Campus. At the Hama-Koshien campus, visitors were given a tour of classrooms and laboratories, movies were shown in the seminar building, and a planetarium was also available for viewing.


 The Open Campus will be held again tomorrow, on the 10th, and the last Open Campus of the year will be held on September 22nd.



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