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On July 24th, a joint presentation of cosmetic planning ideas conceived by students from the Departments of Health and Bio- Pharmaceutical Sciences and Business Administration was held on the central campus.


At the University, a cross-departmental lecture is held in both the Departments of Health and Life Pharmaceutical Sciences and Business Administration, where students learn about the marketing knowledge necessary for cosmetic product development through the planning of new cosmetics. With the aim of having students experience the fun and difficulty of creating products with the user in mind, this lecture, which started in 2021, is taught by two faculty members with experience in the cosmetics industry. In the first semester of 2024, 41 students enrolled in "Cosmetic Development Theory" and "Beauty Industry Theory" from both departments participated.


In the class, students first submitted individual cosmetic planning proposals, and the top ideas were selected by a vote of all students enrolled. Afterwards, students were divided into groups based on their ideas and refined their proposals by conducting surveys and receiving guidance from the instructors in charge.


Associate Professor Miki Minamino of the Department of Health and Life Pharmaceutical Sciences said, "Students were able to plan cosmetics from the perspective of each department's learning, and the color of each department stood out. I hope that the activities without departmental barriers that we have carried out this time will be useful in the future."


Associate Professor Miho Shinei of the Department of Business Administration said, "In the past, we’ve had presentations focusing on makeup around the eyes, but this year, there were many presentations focusing on base makeup. I think this is due to the fact that people have stopped wearing masks, and it was an interesting result. I think the presentations were wonderful, as the ideas were further refined from the interim presentation."


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