第69回武庫川女子大学文化祭 祭色兼美~輝け、私らしい美しさ~ が、無事終了しました。


English below. 


10月11日から3日間に渡り開催された、第69回武庫川女子大学文化祭 祭色兼美~輝け、私らしい美しさ~ が無事終了しました。




この日最初のプログラムは、公江記念講堂での「むこすい」こと武庫川女子大学 吹奏楽部の演奏。ジブリメドレーとMrs. GREEN APPLEメドレーで朝一番に来場した観客を盛り上げ、その後も舞台では各クラブや有志のパフォーマンスが続きました。

音楽館演奏ホールでは、音楽学部 演奏学科・応用音楽学科2年生によるミュージカル『アラジン』を上演。歌とダンス、生演奏で観客を魅了しました。









最後に、文化祭実行委員会の委員長植村 恭子さんは閉祭式の挨拶で「素敵なメンバー、素敵な先生方と作り上げたこの文化祭が皆さんの思い出の一つになれば嬉しいです」と語りました。

文化祭の詳細レポートは、 学生広報スタッフ La chouette*のブログ「Muko Log」 もご覧ください。 


The 69th Mukogawa Women's University Cultural Festival, held over three days from October 11, has come to a successful close. The number of general admission was approximately 5,500 (preliminary figures) on the two days of the festival (12th and 13th).

On the final day of the festival, blessed with beautiful weather conditions, many visitors came from dawn on the 13th to enjoy the stage, exhibitions, and booths.

In the Concert Hall of the Music Hall, the second-year students of the Department of Performance and Applied Music, School of Music, performed the musical “Aladdin." The audience was captivated by the singing, dancing, and live music.

In the open-air area, the Equestrian Club held a horseback riding event. George, a thoroughbred, and Milk, a pony, made an appearance and were introduced with attendees saying, “I wasn’t aware that the University had an equestrian club."

The annual display of police vehicles by the Hyogo Prefectural Police was a big hit with children and adults alike, who took pictures riding in police cars and motorcycles.

 Many people continued to visit the booths and exhibits in the afternoon.

The grand finale of the festival was a fashion show hosted by students of the Department of Human Environmental Sciences. The theme of this year's show was “Lino!" which means “shining” or “glowing” in Hawaiian, and it expresses the idea of conveying one's favorite things to the fullest in this show and shining the brightest in the world. The show was the result of about six months of work by the students, who designed, sewed, modeled, composed the stage, and directed the show, which drew occasional cheers from the nearly full house, even on the second floor.


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