<日本語/English> 健康・スポーツ科学科の宮川秀美さんが、ICU世界チアリーディング選手権大会「HIPHOP部門」で2位を獲得しました!


Ms. Hidemi Miyagawa of the Department of Health and Sports Science won 2nd place in the ICU  World Cheerleading Championship, in the HIPHOP category!


English below. 


ICU 世界チアリーディング選手権大会(WCC)(主催:International Cheer Union)が、10月9日、10日ライブ・オンラインで開催され、宮川秀美さん(健康・スポーツ科学科4年)が出場、HIPHOP部門(チーム: WORLD WINGS 2WDC)で2位を獲得しました。

宮川さんは2018年からダンスチーム「WORLD WINGS」に参加し、その年の第1回世界大学チアリーディング選手権大会(主催:国際大学スポーツ連盟)で1位を獲得。毎年、国際大会や世界大会に出場し、好成績を収めています。







  今大会の 当日の演技はコチラ(59分ごろ~)



On the weekend of October 9th, ICU (WCC) hosted a cheerleading championship streamed live online where Ms. Miyagawa came second with her team, WORLD WINGS 2WDC. Ms. Miyagawa joined the dance group in 2018 where she and her team saw 1st place at a competition held in Poland hosted by FISU: International Universitu Sports Federation. Ever since then, she has competed and achieved honorable results with her team, both nationally and worldwide


The recital they performed that placed them as runners-up was supposed to be for the competition back in April 2020. However that was called off due to the spread of Covid-19. Then the event was shifted to online so the practice began in July. The team consists of 20 performers, with some based in Tokyo and others in Osaka. They practiced in sports halls in the cities of Osaka and Ibaraki and some clips used at the show were recorded in those halls too.


Ms. Miyagawa commented “Despite the distance and the Covid-19 restrictions limiting us, we managed to create something good online with hard work and devotion. The competition being held online was a new and an exceptional experience for me, one that will be difficult to forget. With 4 consecutive wins at stake, we all hoped and fought for the first place. Sadly it was not meant to be – being a runner up taught us what we lack and how difficult it is to present ourselves to the best of our abilities through the screens. In the next competition, not only do we seek for the first place but we want to show who we really are through our dance and to deliver a message to those watching.”


Watch her perform here (59 minutes in)


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